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Indian Mounds 

Rock & Mineral Club

of Wyoming, Michigan

Home Calendar of Events Bulletin Board Who's Who Arrowhead News Rockhound Links

Who's Who

Club Links

IMRMC's Annual Show

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Silent Auction flyer

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Silent Auction Bid Slip

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Summer Sale flyer

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Membership Application

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IMRMC Bylaws  

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Here is the glue that holds the Indian Mounds Rock and Mineral Club together...

PresidentKreigh Tomaszewski

Vice President/Program Dave Lehker

Treasurer Scott Walton

Secretary: Ann Kaiser

Membership Chair and Board Member:  Larry Larkin

Field Trip Chair Chuck Parks

Board Member: Jim Elliott

Liaison Kreigh Tomaszewski <kreigh at gmail dot com>

Sunshine:  Kate VandenBos

Historian:  Craig Stoker

Kitchen:  Michelle Linck

Greeter:  Mary Alice Larkin

Nametags: Peter Ross

Raffle: Roger King

Board Member: Peter Ross

Publicity:  Vacant, Kreigh Tomaszewski and Scott Walton Acting 

     Facebook: Dave Lehker, Ann Kaiser, Jill Smith,  Vacant  

     Web:  Kreigh Tomaszewski <kreigh at gmail dot com> & Vacant

     Editor Jim Elliott

Show Chair Vacant, Kreigh Tomaszewski acting

     Dealer Co-Chairs Heather & Kris Quint

     Sales and Auction Co-Chairs:  Ed Krzeminski, Dave Lehker acting, Kreigh Tomaszewski acting, Vacant

     Display Chair:  Scott Walton

     Demonstration Chair:  Larry Larkin

     Children's Sales Jill Smith & Vacant & Vacant & Joan Stoker

Library:  Jill Smith

Junior Rock Club Leader:  Joan Stoker & Jillian Duffy & Jamie Andino, Vacant

Immediate past President: Don Van Dyke 


...the more glue we have, the stronger our club can be!  

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